I happen to use first-person view a fair bit, and would use it a lot more if it was more convenient to use, as Nazo wants it. Generally I stay in 3rd person for battles (though not always).
The bad thing about first-person is you don't see beside you or behind you; if you have enchantments on, the white circle glow effect gets in the way of your sight (so that too would have to be fixed); and if you transition to a new area there is a graphical problem, as Nazo mentioned.
But in first-person view you can actually see the faces of your enemies, something I never actually get a chance to see when I play normally. You can also see the faces of other people whom you are talking to. Your turning is far more precise (I often use FP view between battles to run to the next part). And also, you can look up. Try doing that in 3rd person view. You can only get so high before the camera hits the ground. It's also the ideal view to be in if you are cornered up against a wall. See, frankly sometimes the battle really is only in front of you. You don't need to see the sides then. But the camera doesn't deal well with the wall behind you, so fighting in first-person is the solution. It's also helpful for rangers to see if they have line-of-sight for their arrows. And finally, everything just looks nicer in first-person view.
Someone mentioned strafting. Yes I use the right-mouse button to straft as well, though Q and E work as strafting buttons if you were inclined to stay in first-person view. So there's no problem there.
This suggestion is perfectly reasonable. /signed